In the News

CoJ and GCC in the News

Over the years, articles about the Community of Jesus have been printed in various papers and magazines. These will be linked here as time allows (please be patient).

  1. "God for the Up & Out: Is Cape Cod's Community of Jesus a benign religious retreat? Or an upper-class Episcopalian Jonestown?" (with reader letters)
    Boston magazine, May 1981, page 142.
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  2. "Mothers of Invention"
    The Globe and Mail (Canada), October 6, 2007; updated April 3, 2009
  3. "Keen Cults Keep Eye Open for New Members"
    Boston Herald, April 25 1993
  4. Churches That Abuse, book by Ronald Enroth,
    Zondervan Publishing House, 1992
  5. "Community of Jesus 'Cult Front?'"
    Cult Observer, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1991
  6. "'Nightmare' at the Community of Jesus: Former Members Tell of 'Living Hell' at Cape Compound"
    Boston Herald, July 28, 1985, p. 12
  7. "Defectors Raise Questions About Religious Group: Three Sons of Founders Spark a Public Break by Former Members"
    The Cape Codder, April 19, 1985, p. 6
  8. "Ex-members decry life in Community of Jesus"
    Cape Cod Times, April 9, 1985, p. 12
  9. "Community of Jesus Request for Cemetery is Put Under Advisement"
    The Cape Codder, March 29, 1985
  10. "Canadian School Joins Community: Orleans-based sect spreads to Ontario"
    Cape Cod Times, November 10, 1981
  11. "Community of Jesus finds a haven in Bermuda"
    Cape Cod Times, November 8, 1981